"Succubi, thank you. ;) I think cartoons is not as interesting as before. :s Pumpkinate, I can't believe too. :o It seems really crazy now, woke up to watch a cartoon ... :x"
"Listal made me watch lot of movies too, I discovered so much more thanks to that website. ^^"
"Et bien, je ne savais pas lequel de l'époque il fallait prendre ou si c'était tiré du remake, donc je me suis dit autant prendre la version originale. :s Je vais plutôt mettre le remake alors si "
"Merci. :) En la faisant je pensais que j'aurais que des critiques négatives. x)"
"Je crois que je peux facilement comprendre pourquoi ... ^^"
"Here my list. :) 1. Christian Bale 2. Brad Pitt 3. Michael Fassbender 4. Robert De Niro 5. Viggo Mortensen 6. Helena Bonham Carter 7. Gary Oldman 8. Tom Hanks 9. Johnny Depp 10. Ralph Fiennes And my"
"Don't like Castle and Mentalist, but that's a great list. :) Even if Kate was better than Ziva. :P"
"Evans is a beautiful man, but I don't really like him as actor. :s"