"I am currently listening all songs here. I hope I'll find some I love. ;)"

"The only character I really wanted to kill is Percy ... I have never hated a character as much as I do. The scene you are talking about in the note really shocked me. Great list. :)"

"Rap is clearly underrated on that website, so I don't think a list is needed."

"Well, it's look like the bottom isn't that bad. I though to see so much more crap."

"9Gag rules. Cool list, I though to do the same ... and then I saw yours. ;)"

"Oh, that's really funny. xD I love the pictures. :') Great job !"

"Happy to see that Corpse Bride is your favorite Burton's movie ! Great choices. :)"

"Tom Hardy ? OMG. I didn't know he was in it. Incredible cast, really, even the smallest roles."

"I've never wanted to watch Iron Man. But when I see him in this kind of list, I think I should think about it and try."