"About 12 Monkeys, I don't know what to say. The whole thing is boring, it didn't interest me, not even a second. I think it's probably the director that I don't like, because the synopsis seemed inter"
"I feel like you about almost everyone; there's only Bradley Cooper, I don't know why but I can't stand his face ..."
"Remember me ? ;p Nice to see you are doing a list finally ! You always gave me ideas."
"Only a top 5 bc I think this year is really poor. 1# Iron Man 3 2# Prisoners 3# The Hunger Games : Catching Fire 4# Now You See Me 5# Pacific Rim"
"1. Fight Club 2. Seven 3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
"Nice to see you liked OSS 117. It's so much fun."
"That thing about Dark Knight Rises ... shit. It's too heartbreaking."
"Well, if you want so. I'll add other things too, your comment gave me a lot of ideas."
"I'll never understand how people could get that drunk. It's deplorable."
"I was disappointed by Exile since I loved Happiness. :s I though only one song was great. I'm gonna listen to " Release the Panic " now. ;p"
"1. The Dark Knight 2. Inception 3. Batman Begins"
"1. Inglourious Basterds 2. Kill Bill 3. Reservoir Dogs"
"Brigitte is my favorite ever, I think. She was wonderful."
"The list is perfection. Too many underrated people here."