"I remember I loved Eve Torres too back when I was watching WWE"

"Those you don't like are the ones with the bad pics ? lol Jaimie is stunning btw"

"It's a lot of good movies, I find myself in this list there are a lot I rated 10!"

"Yeah nice try but I think she has nothing special except her eyes"

"I hope you'll find a movie better than Avengers because it doesn't deserve to be first!"

"When I see those covers I think those shocked "people" refers to Americans, probably conservatives. ;p Those are very interesting and diverse covers that everyone need to see and think about it."

"Jack WALL-E Ash & Pikachu Pegasus Seiya Doug Ross Wirt & Greg Tommy"

"This list is gonna help me find some movies for my dad, he loves action movies! Thank you! He's a huge fan of the 90s action movies."

"My sister was addicted to The Listener ! I watched some ep with her and it's not a bad show :-)"

"Indiana Woody Dexter Max Simba Mordecai and Rigby Hiro"

"Still doesn't know why she isn't Wonder Woman!! She looks so much like her!!"

"Rita made me want to watch Edge of Tomorrow too"

"Ed Ryan Tyler Douglas Robbie William Daniel Rafi Dylan Grant Some look so spoiled I wanna slap them x)"

"I've never pictured Albania like that, actually I've never pictured a city in Europe like that. It's amazing."

"Could not describe Jai Courtney better than you did ! ;-)"

"Sin City is the movie that made me love Rosario"

"John! Aang Dragonborn The Doctor Frodo ... Mega Man Hawkeye!"

"Dylan Taron Avan Daniel Anton Austin Jack SCOTTTTT Tyler Alex"

"Aquaman Jack Bauer Cloud !! Green Arrow SpongeBob Thor Ethan Hunt"

"Marie Holland Lyndsy Penelope Melissa Maisie Vanessa Sara Lindsey Claire Skyler"

"Pout? I'm french and I don't know the translation of that word. lol"